We are delighted to be providing a concert at St. Mary's Church, Thatcham, Berkshire in aid of the Organ Restoration project for which they are currently fundraising. See our events page for details.
An update on this concert, which was well attended and raised £897.00 for the Organ fund
BHMVC concert at St. Andrew's Church, Sherborne St. John, raised an amazing sum of £304 for the stained glass window repair. Thanks very much to all who contributed
BHMVC are delighted to announce that we will be providing a concert for St. Andrew's Church Sherborne St. John to help them raise funds for repair of Stained Glass Windows - see the Events page for details
BHMVC are extremely pleased to announce that we are returning to the Basingstoke & North Hampshire Hospital site for rehearsal after our summer recess. Since Covid, it has not been possible to rehearse in the Restaurant, but from September 6th 2023 at 7.30pm we will be rehearsing once more in our original "home". We are most grateful to St. Gabriel's church for accommodating us while the Hospital site has been inaccessible to us for rehearsal. We would love to see you join our rehearsals in the Hospital Restaurant.
Our Summer concert was attended by about 100 people in the audience who were "serenaded" by the Choir and also three solo items: Two by choir members and the third by an operatic soloist. Musical Director, Assistant MD, Accompanist and Chairman each received well earned gifts. Choristers and audience members enjoyed a post concert reception with wine, soft drinks and canapes. We are delighted to announce that donations to The Ark Cancer Charity amounted to an excellent £334.53.
Our joint concert with Mansfield and District Male Voice Choir was a tremendous success. Both choirs enjoyed the experience of singing together in a space with a wonderful acoustic. The event raised over £1,000 for the Ark Cancer Charity. There was a satisfying "Afterglow" in Sherborne St. John Village Hall before the Mansfield group departed for home. We would like to thank all those involved in the organising of the concert.Both Choirs in full song